Thursday, September 16, 2010


To be very passionate about something is like standing in the water, fighting the current. Not everyone is for it but you'd still be in it. Passion is a word not everyone understands, and its fine. No one else has to understand what you are in...but hopefully through what i do others will know, feel, see and just be happy for me.

Dancing is my ice cream. my open road. my world. A place where i can truly be me and be happy not matter how sad the song is. But a song ends, a choreography has its last step...
"Sir Melvin,

I am not good with conversing about my problems but this concerns my time with Vibe. I love dancing and I truly want to grow in it. To be a part of your team, is a privilege and it made me feel good about what I am passionate about. However, passion is a word not everyone understands. As much as I want to give more time for Vibe, my family expects a lot from me. In other words, they want me to work. I get to stay in Vibe as long as I have a stable income, enough to support myself and help a little at home. I hope you understand, my family is in total support of what I want to do in life. But they cannot support me financially anymore. And this is what I also want, I want them to help me become more independent because I'm on the process of having a life on my own.

Sir, what I'm trying to say is I will have less and lesser time for training until I get a job. I've been having lots of interviews and one of the concerns of the employers is my dancing. Im not giving it up, rather just putting it to a pause.

I apologize for the consistent absences in rehearsals, and for the miscommunication due to network service failures. This may be accounted as unprofessionalism, again I apologize.
Hoping for your understanding about this.
Please do pray for me to find a job.
Thank you and God bless.

Nicole Melicor"

I dont mean to end it, im still fighting for it. and i will be back for you my first love. We will start a new song, and we'll dance to it.

1 comment:

  1. ang hirap mag-li low sa bagay na gusto mo noh? pero as the saying goes, you can't serve to masters equally at the same time. gano man natin kagusto but still, there are things in life that should be prioritized. aja low! :)..
